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Poezii despre culori în limba engleză


Pentru că micuţii noştri învaţă încă din grădiniţă cuvintele elementare în limba engleza, vă putem la dispoziţie poezii şi versuri despre culori în limba engleză. Haideţi să îi ajutăm pe copiii noştri să înveţe mai uşor culorile. Enjoy!


Colors poetry



Orange is a carrot
And the orange that I eat.
Orange are these bright new socks
I wear upon my feet!



Yellow is a lemon,
Yellow is a star,
Yellow is the sun,
In the sky so far.



Red is an apple,
Red is a rose,
Red is the color of
My frozen, icy nose!



Purple is a grape
Purple is a plum,
Purple is my favorite juice
Shall I get you some?



Green is the grass
Under both my feet.
And green is the broccoli
My mother makes me eat!



Black is the night
And a witch’s hat.
Black is my Mom’s hair
And that witch’s cat!



Brown is the mud,
Brown is the bear,
Brown is the color
Of my brother’s hair.



Blue is the ocean,
Blue are my eyes,
Blue is the sky where
The lonely eagle flies.





The sun above is bright and yellow
On the phone we all say hello.


Oceans and seas are deep and blue
We should always be and honest and true.


The night sky is dark and black
To naughty children mummy gives a smack.


Roses are so pretty and red
After supper is time for bed.


The grass in the garden is wet and green
We should never ever be mean.


The milk we drink is ever so white
Little children should never fight.



Dee Lillegard


Sticks of colors
Orange, red,
Yellow, green,
And brown like bread.


Blue like water
In the sea.
Purple like bruises
On my knee.


Black like night
When I'm in bed,
Dreaming in yellow,
Orange, and red.



Rainbow Colors

Sharon MacDonald


A rainbow of colors,
In the light, after rain.
There are seven of them,
And, each one has a name.

Red is the first
Rainbow color in the sky.
Orange is next
Like jack-o-lantern pie.

Yellow is the third,
Lemons come to mind.
Color four is green,
Think of grassy hills to climb

Blue is color five,
Like the water in a lake
The sixth is indigo
Blue-gray blends that you can make.

Violet is the color
Of the last rainbow band.
Violet is flowery;
Like the pedals in your hand.

So, wave your arms above you
Cast your colors high
And, try to make a rainbow
Across a cloudy sky



Adding Colours

Divya Jain


Adding white to black we get gray
Everyday to God we should pray.

Adding yellow to blue we get green
Our house should always be tidy and clean.

Adding white to red we get pink
Morning and evening milk we must drink.

Adding yellow to red we get orange
After buying something we should count the change.

Adding blue to red we get purple
Mummy and Papa make a lovely couple.



Ilo Orleans


When I put yellow
Paint on red,
The colors change
To orange instead.

And, mixing blue
And red, I get
A pretty shade
Of violet.

Another trick
That I have seen:
Yellow and blue
Turn into green.

There's magic when
My colors mix.
It's fun to watch them
Doing tricks.


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